Supreme Court’s Careful Consideration on Health Care is Inspiring

WASHINGTON – Outside the Supreme Court this morning there were close to 100 protesters and others waiting to get in. The protesters were from different factions — for “Obamacare,” against it, or for something else entirely, looking for attention, to make a point, or to be a part of history.

Supreme Court Passes on UMBC Student Group’s Appeal

The U.S. Supreme Court Monday declined to hear arguments in a case in which a University of Maryland, Baltimore County pro-life student group claims its free speech was inhibited by having to relocate a graphic anti-abortion display.

Critics Argue Maryland’s Health Care Overhaul Lacks Prudence

Maryland is recognized as one of the first to embrace the federal Affordable Care Act passed in 2010 and to begin implementing its provisions. But some policy experts are concerned that Maryland’s commitment to health reform could prove shortsighted if the law, expected to be reviewed by the Supreme Court, is overturned.