This Povich Center-CDCE- Washington Post poll was conducted online March 12-18, 2021, among a random national sample of 1,500 adults.
Data Stories
The legislative legacies of the George Floyd and Breonna Taylor protests
Civil unrest rocked the country after the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, with protests taking place in cities around the United States. CNS looked at how select jurisdictions responded with legislation to demands for police reform.
How Maryland public schools have responded to COVID-19
Maryland’s public schools have taken various approaches to instruction delivery during the pandemic. Most schools have chosen to stay virtual as cases continue to rise. Local parents are convinced that their children need in-person instruction to succeed.
Allegany County experiencing surge in COVID-19 cases
During the height of the pandemic, Allegany County was once experiencing a 7-day rolling average of less than three cases per 100,000 people. But now, Allegany County and adjacent counties are grappling with rates more than triple the statewide average.
Disconnected: Students struggle with e-learning obstacles, lawmakers earmark solutions
Students say hotspots and low-cost internet packages don’t bridge the digital divide in two of Maryland’s least-connected districts. Lawmakers and state officials say it’s time for a statewide approach and to start considering internet access as a basic utility.
White and Black communities in Maryland experience a 20% difference in small business loans from CARES Act
Predominantly white communities in Maryland received approximately 20 percent more loans and money per loan under the Paycheck Protection Program, according to data from the Small Business Administration (SBA) analyzed by Capital News Service.
Maryland Demographic Data from the American Community Survey
Using data from the most recent American Community Survey’s 5-Year Estimates, this map can be toggled to display the estimated median income for all zip codes; the white population in percent for all zip codes; and the Black population in percent for all zip codes. Because these are estimates, zip codes with a population estimate margin of error greater than 10 percent have been removed and appear blacked out in the map.
Maryland’s political battle lines continue to harden in 2020
Unofficial Maryland election results show that little has changed politically in the state. Both parties continue to move further into their respective corners, and third-party voting returned to usual levels after a spike in 2016.
2020 Election Results
Updated November 7, 2020 Live election night coverage of the 2020 Presidential race. The graph shows Electoral College votes by candidate. A candidate needs 270 electoral college votes to win. There are 538 total votes up for grabs. The map…