
Justice Reinvestment Bill Expected to Return to Senate Wednesday

Concerns over amendments that would limit the scope and effect of the legislation delayed a vote on the bill earlier this week.

From Clean Energy Jobs to Greenhouse Gas Reduction, Environmental Legislation Moves Forward

A round-up of the current status of major environmental bills this session.

METRO CLOSED: Fire brings unprecedented shutdown of entire subway system

Metro makes an unprecedented move by closing its doors for 29 hours.

Here’s Why Maryland Officials Expect Less Money to Spend on State Programs Next Year

The big reason: Consumers aren’t buying enough stuff.

Domestic Violence Murder Rate High in Prince George’s County, Despite Relatively Few Reports of Domestic Violence

Attorney Angela D. Alsobrooks testified in Annapolis on Tuesday supporting a bill that would expand the definition of domestic abuse and harassment, following a rash of domestic violence murders in the county this year.

Cardin Seeks to Hike Federal Spending for Better Drinking Water

Inspired by the lead poisoning crisis in Flint, Mich., Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin introduced legislation to increase spending on the country’s water systems and improve lead testing.

Move to Put Public Vending Machines in Maryland on Diet Fails

Legislation that would have mandated state buildings, parks and colleges toss treats that exceed 200 calories per package from their vending machines will have to wait until next year for reconsideration, the measure’s sponsor said Tuesday.

Terps Feeling Confident Heading into NCAA Tournament

Terps get back to having fun and feel good heading into NCAA Tournament.

Terps Fall Short in Rematch Against Michigan State

A strong defensive effort wasn’t enough for Maryland, who fell short against Michigan State in semifinal.

Gun Rights and Gun Control Activists and Rally in Annapolis

Dueling sides in the gun control battle squared off in front of the State House Wednesday.