
Wait Times for VA Medical Appointments in Maryland Are Under Review

Veterans Affairs clinics and hospitals in Maryland are taking a closer look at how long patients are waiting to be seen for their appointments, after an investigation released by the Associated Press on April 8.

Social Media, Apps Make Their Mark on D.C. Businesses

Get charged by an app, pay with an app – a look into how social media and apps are changing the business scene in the District.

Hockey Growing in Maryland as Washington Capitals, Ovechkin Make Waves In NHL

Ask youth league directors, rink coordinators, shop owners and anyone associated else with ice hockey why the sport is growing in Maryland and the answer is the same: The Washington Capitals and Alexander Ovechkin.

New Generation of Entrepreneurs Aims to Take Advantage of D.C.’s Budding Marijuana Market

A new generation of entrepreneurs is positioning itself to take advantage of an emerging marijuana market in the nation’s capital by attracting customers with upscale products.

Ruppersberger Ponders Senate Race, Stresses Bipartisan Approach

There may be a U.S. Senate campaign in Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger’s future. Then again, there may not.

DNA Evidence Brings Hope, Truth – But Only If Tested; Some Maryland Jurisdictions Slow to Report Findings

DNA evidence can free a man from death row, but some local law enforcement agencies aren’t following state rules on DNA evidence reporting.

Limited Access to Primary Care Could Be Crowding Maryland’s Emergency Rooms

Crowding in emergency departments in Maryland is forcing hospitals to request that EMTs divert their patients in ambulances elsewhere.

EmPOWER Maryland: Enlightening Users to Reduce Electricity

Baltimore Gas and Electric, Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative, Delmarva Power, Potomac Edison and Pepco all work to fulfill the 2008 Empower Maryland Energy Efficiency Act’s goal to become more energy efficient and decrease electricity demand statewide by 15 percent by 2015.

Maryland Legislator, Once Impoverished, Wants To Give Back To Low-Income Students

Alonzo Washington made it out of the projects and into the Maryland State House, and now he has a new project of his own: help low-income students in the state obtain a higher education.

Maryland Food Recovery: No Meal Left Behind

To address the national food distribution and waste problem, organizations across Maryland are taking the initiative and going straight to the source of extra, edible food: supermarkets, farms and colleges.