Good Friday turned into a very bad Friday for Metro.
Montgomery County Surveys Its Homeless Population
Homeless advocates for Montgomery County hit the streets of Silver Spring at 5:00 a.m. to count the homeless population.
6% of Maryland’s Bridges Need Repairs, Report Says
Although 6 percent of Maryland’s bridges are in poor or worse condition, and while the state and it’s local governments designate a lower percentage of their highway and transportation funding for bridge repairs than most other states, officials say Maryland’s bridge program is doing well.
Girls Conquer The World of Technology
A five-member all girl team of a Howard County middle school wins “Best in Nation” in Verizon’s “Innovative App Challenge.”
Local Farm Produces Solar Energy
According to a survey by Solar Foundation, Maryland ranks 13 in the country for solar jobs.
Maryland Puts Voluntary Ban on Palcohol
Maryland State Comptroller Peter Franchot and Maryland Alcohol Wholesalers and Distributors have reached an agreement on the voluntary ban of the product Palcohol. Pacohol, powdered alcohol, was approved by the FDA but state leaders say there are too many risks associated with the product.
Cardin to Replace Menendez as Ranking Member of Foreign Relations Committee
Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., will become ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee after Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J. stepped down amid corruption charges, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid’s office announced Thursday.