Advocates and congresswomen push for laws and policies for equality for women in the workplace.
Tracking, Recording, Detecting: Trio of Data-Gathering Measures Presented at House Economic Matters Hearing
A trio of bills on snooping dominated the agenda at a Maryland House Economic Matters Committee hearing Wednesday.
The Governor’s Breakfast
Since 1969, Maryland Governors eat at Chick and Ruth’s in Annapolis, MD, the morning after their inauguration.
Maryland Politicians React to State of the State
Republican and Democratic Senators and Delegates react to Governor Hogan’s first state of the state address.
Hundreds of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities, Advocates Urge Legislators to Fund Services
Direct-support staff funding for people with disabilities is at stake
Governor Hogan Faces His First Board of Public Works
Governor Larry Hogan’s first Board of Public Works meeting was highlighted by talks on school maintenance and funding.
University of Maryland Students Enjoy Their First Snow Day of the School Year With a Snowball Fight
It was every (snow)man and woman for themselves as students at the University of Maryland celebrated their first snow day with a giant snowball fight.
Maryland Lawmakers Form State’s First Latino Caucus
Five delegates and one state senator recently joined together to announce the creation of the General Assembly’s first ever Latino Caucus.
Local Hardware Store Owner Creates A New Way to “Flush” Away the Snow
Local hardware store owner David Goldberg is on a special “potty patrol” thanks to his own unique invention.