The legalization bill before Maryland lawmakers delves into an area left untouched by the laws in Colorado and Washington, where legalization has created a paradoxical scenario for people dealing with the consequences of having once been convicted of an offense that is no longer against the law.
Bill Would Ban E-cigarette Use in Public Places
Maryland e-cigarette retailers complain that a ban on the use of e-cigarettes wherever traditional cigarettes are prohibited would prevent customers from sampling inside e-cigarette shops.
Bethesda Lawyer Grappling with Balance Between National Security and Privacy
David Medine is chairman of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Board, a small government board tasked with weighing the balance between national security and Americans’ privacy.
Democratic Gubernatorial Candidates Support GHG Reduction
Maryland’s top Democratic gubernatorial candidates would all continue state efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make it a priority to incentivize the use of alternative energy sources in the state.
Wild College Mascots in Danger
A new report from the National Wildlife Federation says that climate change is threatening many species of America’s most beloved college mascots.
Medical Officials Call For Birth Injury Fund To Combat High-Cost Malpractice Lawsuits
The measure would allow families of babies who suffer neurological injuries during birth to sidestep the lawsuit process and seek compensation directly from a statewide fund.
Potomac and Sandy Spring Students Get Taste of Soul Music at the White House
Patti LaBelle, Melissa Etheridge and Janelle Monae share their experiences, answer questions and perform for students at the White House.
O’Malley Meets With Business Owners Who Back Minimum Wage Increase
Sitting around a conference table at Linemark printers, O’Malley and about a dozen business people discussed how a wage hike would benefit companies of all sizes by boosting the economy and reducing turnover.
Seafood Labeling Legislation Could Pose Problems For Maryland Restaurants
Legislation proposed in the House to impose tighter regulations on seafood labeling could prove costly and impractical for Maryland restaurants.