
Maryland Health Insurance Outreach Has First-Day Glitches

Maryland Health Connection – the statewide health insurance marketplace for families and businesses – began its first day of registration across the state Tuesday with some glitches.

Maryland’s Democratic Members of Congress Denounce Republicans Over Shutdown

In a political game of chicken, congressional Republicans sought this week to pass a spending bill that also defunded the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare.

Fact Check: Martin O’Malley vs. Rick Perry

Texas Gov. Rick Perry visited Maryland last week after launching radio and TV ads celebrating his state’s business acumen and criticizing Maryland and Gov. Martin O’Malley, sparking a televised debate between the two leaders.

Maryland In-Classroom Breakfast Program Proves Fruitful, Yet Most Schools Starved For Funding

Research indicates that students who participate in the Maryland Meals for Achievement Classroom Breakfast Program perform better in school, but less than half of all eligible schools participate due to a lack of funding.

Maryland Joins with Neighboring States in Bid to Become FAA Drone Testing Site

The University of Maryland is joining with Rutgers University and Virginia Tech University in a bid to become a testing site for civilian drones.

Federal Government Shutdown Would Hurt Workers, Maryland Economy

Tuesday’s looming government shutdown would cripple federal agencies in Maryland, hurt workers and cause a drop in economic output and tax revenue.

Loaded: Maryland Girl’s Basketball a National Force

Maryland produces the most girl’s high school basketball stars of any state in the nation, per capita. The state is a hotbed for talent, with Maryland players going to top college programs and the WNBA.

President Calls Health Care a Right, Says Republicans Worried Obamacare Will Succeed

Days before a key provision of his health care law takes effect, President Barack Obama told an audience in Prince George’s County Thursday that affordable health care in the United States is a right and not a privilege and called on Maryland to help spread the word about the Affordable Care Act.

Recession, State Law, Lead Marylanders to Switch from Private to Public Health Insurance

A 2007 Maryland law expanding the state’s Medicaid program, along with job losses during the recession, has led a large number of Marylanders to enroll in public health care programs.

Marylanders Petition O’Malley with “Boarding Passes for Justice”

According to several advocacy groups, food service and retail workers at BWI are not being fairly compensated.