From COVID-19 to the presidential elections, news networks and social media platforms are constantly fact-checking and clarifying misleading information from the Trump administration. This amount of fact checking is unprecedented, and social sites like Twitter have taken on new measures…
Why Clinton Failed and Biden Prevailed
Joe Biden is set to defeat President Donald Trump in the Electoral College with his 306 votes to Trump’s 232. Ironically, in 2016 Trump beat Hillary Clinton by nearly the same electoral margin. So how did everything completely reverse in…
Jonathan Karl, the Model for Covering Trump’s Post Presidency
Presidents usually fade from the spotlight as their successor takes office. Donald Trump will not. The press must adapt to cover Trump post-presidency. Journalists cannot again allow him to manipulate the media to his advantage, whether on television, over the…
Coverage of Essential Workers in Pandemic Shows Their Value
Nine months ago, everyone’s daily routine came to a halt. News outlets started informing the public about a deadly respiratory infection that has now killed more than 280,000 Americans. Schools, law firms and workers in other non-essential jobs were told…
How Maryland public schools have responded to COVID-19
Maryland’s public schools have taken various approaches to instruction delivery during the pandemic. Most schools have chosen to stay virtual as cases continue to rise. Local parents are convinced that their children need in-person instruction to succeed.
Allegany County experiencing surge in COVID-19 cases
During the height of the pandemic, Allegany County was once experiencing a 7-day rolling average of less than three cases per 100,000 people. But now, Allegany County and adjacent counties are grappling with rates more than triple the statewide average.
Metro budget cuts would hurt workers and residents
WASHINGTON – Proposed budget cuts at Metro threaten thousands of jobs, the closure of 19 stations, the suspension of 19 bus lines and an end to weekend rail service. “We’re facing an historic budget crisis,” Metro General Manager and CEO…
Maryland works to fix racial disparities in juvenile centers
Over the last 10 years, Maryland’s Department of Juvenile Services has seen a decline in admissions into its seven detention facilities across the state, but the number of Black children admitted is still disproportionately high.
The integration of sports and politics went to the next level in 2020
When Dodger Stadium underwent a redesign under the watchful eye of Janet Marie Smith in 2012, she never thought that nearly a decade later the stadium would be used as a polling center in a presidential election amidst a worldwide…
Live music venues struggle to survive as the COVID-19 pandemic rages on
WASHINGTON — In the spring of 2010, Sandra Basanti and her husband, Stevie McKeever, opened up the Pie Shop, a small, live-music venue and restaurant located in this city’s H Street corridor. At first, they only sold pies, but soon…
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