In battleground Ohio, pandemic and economy among voters’ concerns

It will take several days to tabulate the final results of Ohio’s mail-in and in-person early voting, and final, certified results will be available no later than Nov. 28. 

Baltimore votes, picks a mayor – and remembers Trump’s insults

Election Day in Baltimore still felt a bit like a celebration of civic duty, and Baltimoreans said they felt good about exercising their right to vote.

Here’s why Maryland voters went to the polls on Election Day.

Capital News Service spread out across Maryland on Election Day to talk with voters who braved a global pandemic to cast a ballot in person. Here’s what those voters told CNS.

Voters in GOP-majority county head to polls in ‘blue’ Maryland

The state’s gateway to the Eastern Shore has voted for a Republican candidate in the last five presidential elections.

Volunteer health ambassadors sent to Maryland polling stations

A team of volunteer health professionals has been deployed to polling stations around the state to provide health and safety guidance intended to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to voters and poll workers.

2020 Election Results

Updated November 7, 2020 Live election night coverage of the 2020 Presidential race. The graph shows Electoral College votes by candidate. A candidate needs 270 electoral college votes to win. There are 538 total votes up for grabs. The map…

Examining Postal Service and early voting issues in nine swing states

In an attempt to provide insight into potential mail-in voting issues that could affect the 2020 election, we examined the Postal Service and mail-in voting issues experienced in battleground states.

Maryland officials encourage drop box use, confirm security

Maryland elections officials are encouraging the use of ballot drop boxes as the mailing deadline approaches, and outlined the safety of the receptacles to state lawmakers earlier this month.

Major campaign giving varies widely by race and geography in Maryland

Montgomery County residents donated $23 million, around half of the state’s total contributions to federal races. Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, Baltimore, and Prince George’s Counties were the next top contributing counties.

What will we know and when will we know it on Tuesday? (Or later?)

With record voter turnout, including a high volume of mail-in ballots, and mail delays expected, it is unclear whether we will know who the next president is on election night.