Collegiate athletic directors across the state of Maryland are facing the same uphill battle as those in the rest of the country — unprecedented chaos — after the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s decision to cancel any remaining winter and spring sports seasons due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
NewsBIN Creatives Podcast: Chrystee Pharris on Acting
CNS NewsBIN reporter Jaimee Dee talks to actor Chrystee Pharris about her career, social media and acting during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Seafood industry visa fix collides with coronavirus, leaves great uncertainty
With the aid of lawmakers, seafood businesses in Maryland, Virginia, Alaska and North Carolina last month won federal approval of an additional 35,000 visas for non-immigrant workers, but the timing couldn’t have been worse.
COVID-19 has affected Maryland schools — at all levels
Learning has changed in Maryland since the coronavirus outbreak. Teachers and students have been forced to turn to online platforms across all education levels due to the closing of classrooms.
Collegiate coaches moving forward through coronavirus concerns
Athlete eligibility and scholarship availability are two of the biggest questions college coaches are now tasked with moving forward as the COVID-19 pandemic spreads across the United States.
Cancellation of spring sports a tough call for student-athletes
Student-athletes across the college sports landscape are faced with a new challenge amidst the current COVID-19 pandemic as seasons have been stripped away and preparations begin for next season, which could still be in jeopardy.
Seafood industry visa fix collides with coronavirus, leaves great uncertainty
WASHINGTON – With the aid of lawmakers, seafood businesses in Maryland, Virginia, Alaska and North Carolina last month won federal approval of an additional 35,000 visas for non-immigrant workers, but the timing couldn’t have been worse. Within days, the coronavirus…
Maryland high school athletes lose vital time during pandemic
Several high school athletes are losing vital time to get recruited by college coaches, as well as missing out on senior milestones.
In the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, a Van Gogh was swiped from a Dutch museum
The stolen work, “The Parsonage Garden at Nuenen in Spring 1884,” is an oil painting Van Gogh created when he was 30 years old, only six years before his death in 1890.
Annapolis theaters share financial and cancelation concerns as COVID-19 spreads
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Annapolis theaters and stage performers are struggling to keep afloat with financial concerns and show practices.