While many burrowed indoors the third week of November as extreme record-breaking cold impinged upon life across the Mid-Atlantic, the snow machines at Wisp Ski Resort were busy whirring and churning out a base layer of snow for the upcoming winter.
How Md. uses surveillance, data to track motorists, traffic
Motorists in Maryland may be aware of the cameras that enforce speed and red-light violations, but the state’s tracking practices include other layers to assist in law enforcement efforts, and for traffic and planning purposes.
Joint effort aims at addressing Langley Park housing ills
LANGLEY PARK, Maryland – Just outside the nation’s capital, this community has been struggling for years with aging and neglected housing. Many properties are overcrowded, poorly maintained, and have multiple environmental health hazards such as mold, lead-based paints, and pest infestations. For all…
In Maryland, advocates educate immigrants about the census
There won’t be a citizenship question on the 2020 census, but immigrants are still afraid of sharing information with the government. In Maryland, immigrant-advocates are knocking on doors to tell residents why the census matters.
Md. youths needing psychiatric care find long waits, drives
ANNAPOLIS, Maryland — The first time Jeannine LeMieux’s daughter was hospitalized for a psychotic episode, she was only 8 years old. LeMieux took her daughter to a hospital emergency room near her home on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, where it was…
It’s all happening at the zoo – at night during the holidays
WASHINGTON – Each holiday season since 2007, after the animals go to sleep, the rest of the Smithsonian National Zoo comes to life as a colorful winter wonderland. More than half a million LED lights are transforming the zoo’s grounds…
As pilot episode for ‘The President is Missing’ readies to film in Maryland, there’s hope of a sizable economic impact
After the Netflix series “House of Cards” had an economic impact of more than $700 million on Maryland while filming its six seasons in the state from 2012 to 2018, there’s hope that a new television show can make its…
UMD flights help the state understand air quality
The Regional Atmospheric Measurement Modeling and Prediction Program or RAMMPP, comprised of University of Maryland researchers and students, has helped the Maryland Department of the Environment improve regional air quality since 1999 by tracking how the ingredients for smog can originate from upwind states.
Due to Maryland’s geography and size, the state’s air quality is often affected by what is coming out of smokestacks upwind.
Traffic, development density and proximity to water — particularly the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic — also contribute to the state’s dirty air.
Graduates of the adult drug court in Montgomery County celebrate and reflect
A group of Maryland residents who have struggled with drug addiction celebrate a major accomplishment. They have successfully completed drug court, a program that combines hearing and meetings with treatment and therapy. CNS-TV’s Cameron Doney reports.
Maryland teen runs her own nonprofit clothing line for people with disabilities
Leah Howard is a 14 year old Pikesville, Maryland resident who runs her own nonprofit called “Adaptive Style.” The organization designs clothes for those with disabilities. CNS-TV’s Cameron Doney reports.