Greenbelt Teenager Stands Atop Junior Tennis Rankings

Evan Zhu, who trains at the Tennis Center at College Park, is the top ranked 14-and-under tennis player in the nation.

Maryland Marching Band Honored With Inaugural Parade Appearance

The trumpets are polished, the tubas are shined and the drumsticks are dusted as part of the last-minute preparation for the Mighty Sound of Maryland’s performance in Monday’s 57th Inaugural Parade.

UMD Lab Helps Keep Inauguration Traffic on Track

A transportation system created by the Center for Advanced Transportation Technology Laboratory at the University of Maryland, College Park will be used during Monday’s Presidential Inauguration

Great Fire of 1912 Helped Spark New Path For University of Maryland

The Great Fire of 1912 sparked a brand-new path for the University of Maryland.

Maryland Prepared to Pay $50 Million to Leave ACC, if Necessary

While they hope to negotiate with the ACC for a lesser fee, Maryland officials are prepared to pay the full $50 million exit fee to leave the ACC for the Big 10.

Budget Hero – Try your hand at balancing the budget

A new online game gives the public a chance to call the shots when it comes to putting together the federal budget.

Backers Gird for Purple Line Funding Battle

Prince George’s County, state and local officials called for Purple Line funding Thursday, saying the county is ready to make the rail line a reality once it finds a way to pay the hefty price tag.

Scooter Riders Raise Questions About Eye-Protection Law

A new law requiring motor scooter and moped users to wear helmets and eye protection has riders confused as to what should be shielding their eyes.

Former Maryland Athletes in Cut Sports Find New Homes

When Alison Iovino learned that the University of Maryland was on the verge of eliminating her acrobatics and tumbling team last fall, she considered her seemingly limited options.

No Religion- The UMD campus reacts to a new study on religion

COLLEGE PARK- Students and religious leaders on the College Park campus of the University of Maryland react to a new Pew Form report that found the number of Americans opting not to identify with any religion is at an all-time high.