Hogan Signs Comptroller’s Petition to Push Back School Start Day Past Labor Day

Gov.-elect Larry Hogan added his signature to Comptroller Peter Franchot’s “Let Summer Be Summer” petition Thursday morning, totaling 13,244 people in support of a later start date for public schools.

Challenging Transition to Adulthood for Marylanders With Disabilities

Marylanders with disabilities, like 20-year-old Troy Baisey, face challenges when they leave behind the public school system.

Success of Obama’s Education Initiative in Maryland Unclear

A report on the failings of President Barack Obama’s $4 billion education initiative has evoked conflicting responses about the program’s effectiveness in Maryland.

Complexion of Maryland Teaching Corps Fails to Reflect Student Body

The state is working to recruit a teaching corps to more accurately reflect its student population because experts say it’s good for students to be taught by a diverse faculty, yet the percentage of black teachers continues to fall.

School Resource Officers Bridge Gaps, Build Relationships

The mention of school resource officers in these days of mass shootings and terrorist bombings conjures the intimidating image of a gun-toting security guard for some, but Sgt. Mike Rudinski insists SROs are in schools for much more than just safety.

Maryland Moves Ahead with STEM Initiatives

More public schools are spending grants on programs like Learning Studios, which gets students working on problem-based projects with real-life STEM professionals.

Report Says High School Should be Harder

The National School Boards Association’s Center for Public Education released a report reviewing research behind effective strategies to strengthen high school curricula.

Maryland schools test evaluating teachers on student performance

Maryland schools are moving closer to overhauling the way that they evaluate teachers by putting more emphasis on student performance and test scores.

Maryland Claims Top Schools for Fourth Year in National Survey

The Maryland Public School System finished first in the nation for the fourth consecutive year in a national survey. Gov. Martin O’Malley delivered the keynote speech upon its release.