One Million Veterans to be Focus of Federal Disease Research Project

Mega bio-bank under construction to study how genes affect veterans’ health.

Maryland Lawmakers Invite Local Teens to Compete in Annual “App” Challenge

Lawmakers are challenging local students to channel their enthusiasm for all things technological to make the app world a better place.

Maryland Co-ops Not Worried About Closing

Amidst rising concerns surrounding health co-ops shutting down in various parts of the United States, Marylanders have nothing to worry about as state co-op is going strong.

Robin Hood Tax Would Increase Revenue, Rep. Donna Edwards Says

Proponents argue the financial transaction tax would serve to reign in the high-risk and speculative behavior on Wall Street that contributed to the 2008 financial crisis.

Group of Ex-Pols Works to Make Voices Heard

A group of former politicians are trying to ensure elected officials on Capitol Hill and around the country hear the voices of their constituents

What Does a Government Shutdown Look Like?

Washington in photographs on the second day of the government shutdown.