O’Malley Still Pushing For Transportation Funding

Gov. Martin O’Malley continues to push for ways to raise much-needed revenue for transportation infrastructure projects. On Wednesday, O’Malley again suggested that adding a penny to the general state sales tax could be a more viable solution than the 6 percent gas tax.

Gingrich Targets Gas Tax Increase During Maryland Visit

One week before the state’s primary elections, Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich criticized Maryland lawmakers considering a statewide gas tax increase during a visit to Annapolis Tuesday morning.

Gov. O’Malley Says Gas Tax Would Address Safety, Congestion Concerns

Gov. Martin O’Malley defended his proposed six percent sales tax on gasoline before House and Senate committees Wednesday, saying Maryland needs to address crumbling transportation infrastructure and crippling traffic congestion.

Paving Ain’t Pay Dirt for Struggling Construction Crews

Federal investment in “shovel-ready” construction put a lot of people to work — and did so quickly — but stimulus money for Maryland work crews is drying up, and some experts say too much of it went to temporary projects that failed to save jobs in the long term.

Maryland Motorists Fear Gas Tax Increase

Motorists across Maryland were not receptive to Gov. Martin O’Malley’s (D-Md.) Monday statement that he would be open to a 15-cent gas tax increase.

Gas Tax Increase to Be Considered in Infrastructure Jobs Plan

Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown said that a gas tax increase could help Maryland fund needed infrastructure projects and create jobs. His testimony before a joint hearing of the Maryland House and Senate came one day after Gov. Martin O’Malley said he would consider an increase to the state’s gasoline tax by 15 cents a gallon as part of a jobs plan.