Poetry: another way to air unease in the new Trump era

WASHINGTON – As the United States prepares to inaugurate a president whose use of language has been seen by many as less than clear and accountable, people across the country have taken to various media platforms to communicate their anxieties…

Maryland lawmakers, residents worried after Obamacare repeal report

WASHINGTON – First, Diana Muller’s vision starts to blur. Next, she loses feeling along her left side. Then comes the debilitating pain. The 39-year-old Silver Spring resident suffers from seizure migraines, some of which last more than four days. But…

10 times @realDonaldTrump tweeted about Maryland

Before Trump officially announced his presidential bid, he was already targeting Maryland (and Maryland politicians) through his headline-grabbing tweets.

Groups see boost in community service turnout for Martin Luther King Day

WASHINGTON – Some community organizations, churches and schools hosting service projects throughout the nation this weekend in recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day say they are experiencing an increase in participation. Hundreds of thousands of Americans join together every…

Joe Biden third to earn Medal of Freedom for vice presidential service

Vice President Joe Biden became the third person awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for work as vice president when President Obama surprised him with the medal Thursday.

Maryland’s Harris meets with Trump – perhaps over NIH post

WASHINGTON – Maryland Rep. Andy Harris, who reportedly is in the running to head the National Institutes of Health, met with President-elect Donald Trump in New York Wednesday. Harris, the lone Republican in Maryland’s congressional delegation, is also the only…