Maryland Zoo’s baby giraffe gets name after public votes

The newest resident at the Maryland Zoo at Baltimore is an endangered, six-foot tall baby giraffe. She was born at the Zoo just over two weeks ago but she was without a name. After the 26-thousand members of the public voted for one of six names…the little giraffe is nameless no more.

Maryland’s newest U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen hopes to keep moving forward

Maryland’s junior senator may be taking on a new job but Chris Van Hollen is a Capitol Hill veteran. Van Hollen says despite what he calls a polarized start of this session of Congress, he’s hoping things will settle down so that the work in the Senate can move forward.

Annapolis restaurant goes to the dogs to pay it forward

ANNAPOLIS, Maryland– With more than 10 percent of Marylanders live below the poverty line, Pips Dock Street Dogs in Annapolis has a unique way to pay it forward to people in need.

CP Dream Team

COLLEGE PARK, Maryland — The College Park community youth teams up with local law enforcement by way of sports to promote engagement and build a connection.

MD Congressional Delegation discusses repealing Obamacare

The battle between President Trump and supporters of the Affordable Care is just heating up. The democratic members of Maryland’s Congressional delegation say repealing Obamacare could be devastating for more than half-a-million Marylanders.

Area Jewish Community Center still coping with aftermath of bomb threats

ROCKVILLE–Even as President Trump finally speaks out about recent anti-Semitic hostilities one local Jewish Community Center is trying to cope with the aftermath from a recent series of bomb threats.

Police transparency called for in Maryland counties

ANNAPOLIS– ACLU, CASA, and other organizations spoke out in support of a recent bill that changes police misconduct complaints from personnel records to public ones at a press conference Tuesday.

Area restaurants close in support of immigrants

HYATTSVILLE, Md. — Busboys and Poets was among the the restaurants in the metro D.C. area that participated in a daylong national shutdown in observance of a “Day Without Immigrants” even though it meant a loss of tens of thousands…

Final farewell to Bao Bao at Washington’s National Zoo

WASHINGTON– Bao Bao the panda is being sent to China to live out her life per an agreement with China. Bao Bao’s parents were loaned to the U.S. with the assurance that all cubs would be returned to China before…

State lawmakers asked to help with battle against skyrocketing drug prices

ANNAPOLIS–Imagine having a life threatening condition and not being able to afford the cost of your prescription drugs? That’s a very real problem for many Marylanders. The legislature is being asked to approve a series of bills aimed at providing…