The nor’easter that came along with the blizzard of 2016 left a few reminders behind in Ocean City following high seas and high winds.
Dig Out: Area Residents Wait for Plows After Blizzard
Mount Rainier- Mount Rainier residents had to wait days after the Blizzard of 2016 hit for plows to come to the neighborhood and dig them out.
Ashes to Go: Making Ash Wednesday observances easier for busy lives
On Ash Wednesday 2016, Rev. Charles Mercer, priest at The Episcopal Church of St. Mary the Virgin, in Baltimore, took to the streets to help those on West North Ave celebrate the Holy day.
Montgomery County Executive Leggett hosts budget forum
Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett hosted three budget forums to get input from residents before submitting his budget for fiscal year 2017.
University of Maryland works to clear snow from campus following blizzard
The University of Maryland facilities management worked long hours to remove 22 inches of snow from campus so that classes could get underway.
Hogan Takes Bipartisan Tone for Second State Address, Focuses on Fiscal Conservatism
Hogan praised bipartisan efforts in the past year and pledged for more inter-party cooperation in the coming year. Some Democratic county executives, however, were not impressed.
FREE PRESS: Historic Annapolis celebrates Sons of Liberty Week
ANNAPOLIS — Re-enacters staged a Stamp Act protest march to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the controversial law and the founding of the Sons of Liberty.
Late Maryland Congressman Honored by the University of Maryland
The late Maryland 7th District Congressman, Parren Mitchell, was honored with the re-naming of the Art-Sociology building at the University of Maryland.
Republican Presidential Candidates Seek Support from Jewish Voters
Republican presidential candidates work hard to win the Jewish vote.
Maryland State Police Respond to Fiscal Audit
The Maryland State Police found itself in hot water after a fiscal compliance report found that there were problems with money and gun regulations.