Marylanders Become Top Two Leaders in House

WASHINGTON – Two lawmakers with Maryland ties made history Thursday when they secured the top two positions in the U

Walkersville Woman Impresses Congress With Need for Children’s Health Insurance

WASHINGTON – Tobi Drabczyk, of Walkersville, is struggling to care for four children on her husband’s modest $36,000 annual salary

Edwards Visits Maryland, Cautions Democrats to Use Power Wisely

ANNAPOLIS-Stopping in Maryland to promote his new book, Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards came bearing a warning for his newly empowered Democratic colleagues: don’t pop the champagne corks yet

^Former U.S. Senator Recalls Hoyer, Pelosi in Bygone Days

WASHINGTON – As the top two Democratic House leaders head into contentious intraparty elections today, a former U

Environmental Groups Expecting Big Things from O’Malley

ANNAPOLIS – It has been little over a week since Martin O’Malley was elected governor, but already environmental groups around the state are gearing up to press his new administration to limit growth and take bold steps to restore the health of the bay

Maryland May Profit from Congressional Dems’ Success

WASHINGTON – Maryland’s congressional delegation is likely to gain more power from the Democratic takeover of Congress, giving the state a corresponding increase in clout, analysts and delegation members said

Taneytown Votes English As Official Language

WASHINGTON – English is the official language of Taneytown, the City Council declared Monday night, joining the ranks of a few cities nationwide that have recently announced the same policy

Hoyer Upbeat Despite Leadership Rival’s Attacks

WASHINGTON – A buoyant Rep

New Catholic Guidelines Welcome Gay Parishoners, But Condemn Behavior

BALTIMORE – Catholic bishops approved by a large margin Tuesday a plan for ministering to gays and lesbians in the church with “respect, compassion, and sensitivity,” while maintaining that homosexual acts are “always wrong