Maryland lawmakers asked to expand protective order criteria

More efforts at the State House to provide help for domestic violence victims around the state by changing how the law interprets the word “abuse.”

Maryland House Judiciary Committee hears new sexual assault legislation

The House Judiciary Committee hears testimony on the Repeat Sexual Predator Prevention Act of 2017, legislation that’s intended to strengthen prosecutors’ cases in sexual assault trials.

State begins new technology program to help vulnerable Marylanders

ANNAPOLIS — While state officials have claimed that Maryland has lead the country in technology and innovation, Governor Hogan says technological resources in some agencies are still not up to par. The governor says the state is taking a big step forward in providing important human services to residents throughout the state.

Future of historic Montgomery County bridge tied to Metro’s Purple Line

The Talbot Avenue bridge is one that has significant ties to African American heritage to members of Montgomery County’s Lyttonsville community. One women recalls memories of the bridge and its importance to the community.

Washington’s birthday celebration marks citizenship for dozens of former immigrants

A celebration of President George Washington’s 285th birthday and the naturalization of 51 new American citizens from 32 countries brought hundreds of visitors to Mount Vernon.

Demonstrators arrested while seeking support for fracking ban

They came to Annapolis to urge the legislature to approve a ban on fracking. The legislation has been approved by the House but awaits action in a Senate committee. More than a dozen of the demonstrators were arrested during the anti-fracking rally.

Throwaways become giveaways in effort to keep food from going to waste

Rather than see fresh vegetables and fruits being tossed in the trash, some local volunteers are on a mission to see both distributed to those in need.

Planned Parenthood supporters fight possible funding cuts

Supporters of Planned Parenthood joined with state democratic lawmakers to urge the General Assembly to approve legislation that would continue funding for health care services if the federal government cuts back its support for Planned Parenthood.

Area women join in protesting Trump executive order

The Women’s March on Washington came just a day after Donald Trump was sworn into office. Two days after that he signed an executive order that critics say could impact women and their health care around the world. On Wednesday, they marched to the White House to make their voices heard.

Metro’s Finance Committee approves budget with service cuts, fare hikes

Metro’s revised $1.8 billion budget was approved Thursday by the the Board’s Finance Committee. It now awaits approval by the full Metro board. The budget includes cuts which will mean a reduction in service and higher fares for riders.