Next Year’s Election For Mikulski’s Seat Is A Potential ‘Land Rush’

Politicians across the state are gearing up to run for Sen. Barbara Mikulski’s seat after her retirement announcement

O’Malley ‘Seriously Thinking’ About Running For President

Outgoing Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley is “seriously thinking about” running for president, he said Friday at a news conference in the Maryland State House, despite the recent blow of his lieutenant governor not being elected to Maryland’s highest office.

Former Secretary of State Rallies for Brown in the Last Days of the Campaign

With just five days left in Maryland’s election campaign, former first lady, New York senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton came to support Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown’s gubernatorial bid.

Brown Skirts Presidential Endorsements

Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown declined to say whether he would endorse a presidential run by Gov. Martin O’Malley, saying that he is focused on Maryland’s general election, less than three weeks away.

Storify: Maryland’s Reaction To Clinton’s Speech

Bill Clinton took the stage Wednesday night to support the president. Here’s what the Republicans and Democrats from Maryland thought of the speech.

Clinton’s Speech Still a Mystery

Former President Bill Clinton is scheduled to speak tonight in Charlotte. Nobody knows what to expect when he takes the stage.

O’Malley in 2016? D.C. Press Breakfast Keeps Speculation Circulating

In a move sure to stoke rumors he will be a candidate for president in 2016, Gov. Martin O’Malley appeared at a press breakfast in Washington, D.C., fielding questions from reporters and bolstering Democrats’ election-year message.