
Located blocks from the Statehouse, the CNS Annapolis bureau has more reporters dedicated to covering Maryland politics and policy than any other news organization in Maryland.

Lung Association cites health benefits of electric vehicles

Maryland could save over 100 lives per year and $1.3 billion in public health benefits by going all-electric by 2050, according to a recent “Road to Clean Air” report from the American Lung Association.

Maryland voters weigh in on proposed budget amendment

Mail-in voting is underway as Marylanders consider a proposed constitutional amendment granting the legislature the ability to make changes to the state budget as long as those changes do not cause it to exceed the total amount submitted by the governor.

Maryland National Guard at D.C. monuments for 5 days during protests

Gov. Larry Hogan deployed 116 Maryland National Guard troops to D.C. in June at the request of U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper The federal government paid $546,360 for Maryland’s participation. The state of Maryland incurred no costs.

Maryland Speaker swears in Del. Thiam as ‘another history maker’

Maryland House of Delegates Speaker Adrienne A. Jones swore in Delegate Brenda Thiam as Maryland’s first Black female Republican legislator.

New Maryland laws focus on anti-discrimination, law enforcement, healthcare

An update to Maryland’s hate crimes law, named for slain Army 2nd Lt. Richard Collins III, is one of several anti-discrimination measures going into effect Oct. 1. Other notable bills address crime, the environment and healthcare, including an infectious disease mandate named for Olivia Paregol, a University of Maryland freshman who died during a 2018 campus outbreak.

Questions mount for Maryland’s next General Assembly session

General Assembly leaders in Maryland ended the 2020 session early and declined a special session due to pandemic and presidential election concerns. But they have yet to announce plans, particularly regarding legislative voting, as the next session draws near.

Substance-abuse deaths in Maryland spike during pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic contributed to a spike in methamphetamine, alcohol, cocaine and opioid-related overdose deaths in Maryland in the first half of 2020, according to a state health department report.

Hogan’s political future tied to Maryland’s economic recovery

Grappling with the greatest test of his term, Gov. Larry Hogan has been lauded for his leadership by experts who say his focus on facts and the future have saved lives during the coronavirus pandemic.

Collegiate coaches moving forward through coronavirus concerns

Athlete eligibility and scholarship availability are two of the biggest questions college coaches are now tasked with moving forward as the COVID-19 pandemic spreads across the United States.

Annapolis theaters share financial and cancelation concerns as COVID-19 spreads

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Annapolis theaters and stage performers are struggling to keep afloat with financial concerns and show practices.