
City Youth Worry About Bus Reliability, Safety

The bus figures large in the lives of Baltimore youth. It’s how they get to school. It’s how they travel to see each other. It’s how they get to movie theaters, the mall and after-school jobs.

Red Line Could Be a Catalyst for More Baltimore Jobs

The proposed Red Line, connecting Baltimore County in the west to the East Baltimore communities by light rail, “has the potential to be a transportation game changer if we get it right,” says Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.

For Bus Photographer, More Than a Means of Transportation

Thomas Reaves looks out the coffee shop window every few minutes as he talks.

The Many Flavors of Mass Transit in Baltimore

There are many ways to get around Baltimore on mass transit: shuttles, buses, light rail, subway, even a water taxi. Some options offer a livelier ride than others.

Energy Company Eying Gas Basin that Runs Under Southern Maryland

An energy company is leasing land on the Virginia side of a natural gas basin that runs through Southern Maryland.

Lawmakers Introduce Measure to Legalize, Tax Marijuana in Maryland

The proposed Marijuana Control Act of 2014 would make it legal for Maryland residents to possess, use and grow marijuana, which would be regulated and taxed like alcohol.

Delegate Pushes for Statewide Native American Heritage Month

Delegate Peter Murphy, D-Charles, introduced a bill that would make November Native American Heritage Month in Maryland. The month is already recognized at the federal level.

Supreme Court Case Draws Attention to Nomination Battles

Many nominees for federal posts still await confirmation, including some in Maryland, as presidential appointments return to the spotlight thanks to this week’s Supreme Court debate over President Barack Obama’s recess appointments.

Lt. Gov. Brown Favors Emergency Legislation for Retroactive Health Care Enrollment

Despite a rocky rollout, the Maryland governor’s office pushes for residents to sign up for health care through the state’s Health Benefit Exchange.

O’Malley’s Budget Proposal Calls for Hike in College Tuition

Chancellor Brit Kirwan said he is pleased with O’Malley’s proposed budget, which calls for a 3 percent college tuition hike.