Trump’s proposed Chesapeake Bay cleanup cuts face Hill battle

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s plan to slash 90 percent of Chesapeake Bay cleanup funding, which could dismantle several decades of environmental restoration, met resistance from Maryland’s Democratic congressional delegation. The cuts, which would drop the budget for Chesapeake Bay…

Proposal to keep FBI headquarters in Washington meets resistance

WASHINGTON — Maryland lawmakers on Tuesday slammed the General Services Administration’s proposal to build a new FBI headquarters in downtown Washington instead of Prince George’s County, saying it was a waste of taxpayers time and money. Attempts to find a…

Sponsor of bill to legalize hemp in Maryland thinks this is the year

ANNAPOLIS, Maryland — Proponents of industrial hemp say legalization of the cannabis relative offers many potential benefits, and, if a bill in the state Legislature is approved, Maryland might be part of a growing acceptance of the plant. A key…

Cardin introduces legislation banning military parades and exhibitions

Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin has introduced a bill that would prevent the allocation of federal funds toward any kind of military parade or exhibition in the nation’s capital.

The Washington Bullpen, Episode 3

The upcoming Olympics in Pyeongchang and the new budget bill set to keep the government open are some of the topics on the third episode of our new podcast from the Capital News Service Washington Bureau, “The Washington Bullpen,” hosted by…

Governor joins in effort to encourage screening for cancer

Governor Hogan, having already put a public face to the battle against skin cancer with his own recent treatment for non-malignant skin lesions, joined in urging Maryland residents to get regular screenings.

New study finds drowsy driving bigger problem than found in earlier studies

Ever find yourself behind the wheel dozing off? You’ve got lots of company. And according to a new study the problem is worse than previously reported. A new report from Triple A finds that 10 percent of all car crashes in a recent study were due to driver drowsiness. The results come from an analysis of dashcam video taken of more than 700 crashes.

Md. athletes competing for Team USA share excitement on social media

Three athletes with Maryland ties are competing in the 2018 Winter Olympic and Paralympic games in Pyeongchang, South Korea.

Md. juvenile agency says later school hours could curb crime

ANNAPOLIS, Maryland — A significant spike in juvenile crime from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. on school days has led to a push by the state’s juvenile justice agency to shift school start and finish times. The department is advocating…

The Annapolis Bullpen: Budget, taxes and your wallet

This week on the Annapolis Bullpen podcast we dive deep into the budget. We explore how Maryland’s budget works, Gov. Larry Hogan’s priorities and how are the new federal tax laws going to affect the state and you.