Data Breaches Common at Universities, Other Educational Institutions

There were more than 50 data breaches at K-12 schools, colleges and universities in the United States last year.

Technical Glitches Plague Registration for Credit Monitoring After UMD Data Breach

Victims of the University of Maryland’s data breach have been frustrated in attempts to sign up for free credit monitoring provided by the school.

Move to Big Ten Could Bring Back Eliminated Sports

University of Maryland officials said they are considering bringing back some of the athletic teams eliminated last year due to a budget deficit.

Maryland Graduate Student Kills Roommate in Murder-Suicide

A University of Maryland graduate student shot two other students before killing himself at their house in College Park.

Backers Gird for Purple Line Funding Battle

Prince George’s County, state and local officials called for Purple Line funding Thursday, saying the county is ready to make the rail line a reality once it finds a way to pay the hefty price tag.

Regents Approve UMCP, UMB Collaboration

The University System of Maryland Board of Regents approved the “University of Maryland: MPowering the State,” a detailed agenda of collaboration between the University of Maryland, College Park and the University of Maryland, Baltimore campuses.

University Merger Talk Gets Largely Positive Campus Response

The idea of merging two University of Maryland institutions — College Park and Baltimore — received a largely positive response Wednesday at a campus forum hosted by UMCP President Wallace D. Loh and Provost Ann Wylie.