Pope Francis Asks Americans to Aid the Poor, Save the Planet

The pope’s speech, which had been widely expected to wade into political territory, subtly touched on issues of immigration, climate change, abortion and marriage, weaving them into a narrative about securing a more peaceful and just future.

Ruppersberger Ponders Senate Race, Stresses Bipartisan Approach

There may be a U.S. Senate campaign in Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger’s future. Then again, there may not.

Let Summer Be Summer: A Battle of the Boards

For many of us Labor Day is synonymous with the start of the school year. But, in Maryland, many schools begin before the holiday. And that’s the rub.

Cyber-Campaigning in Maryland

Who said using technology was a trend just for millennials? Maryland politicians are jumping on the Internet bandwagon these days to announce their candidacies.

Maryland Representatives Respond to Netanyahu Speech

Three members of the Maryland congressional delegation agreed with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the importance of the American-Israeli alliance after Netanyahu’s address to a joint meeting of Congress.

Maryland Republicans Struggle To Challenge Democrats for Congressional Seats

With less than a month to go before the 2014 midterm elections, Joe Cluster, executive director of the Maryland Republican Party, said the fate of Maryland’s eight congressional seats have already likely been decided.

Robin Hood Tax Would Increase Revenue, Rep. Donna Edwards Says

Proponents argue the financial transaction tax would serve to reign in the high-risk and speculative behavior on Wall Street that contributed to the 2008 financial crisis.

Members of Congress Open WW II Memorial to Vets

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Members of Congress join with World War II vets in entering the grounds of the World War II memorial in Washington despite its closure because of the government shutdown.

Group of Ex-Pols Works to Make Voices Heard

A group of former politicians are trying to ensure elected officials on Capitol Hill and around the country hear the voices of their constituents

What Does a Government Shutdown Look Like?

Washington in photographs on the second day of the government shutdown.