President Calls Health Care a Right, Says Republicans Worried Obamacare Will Succeed

Days before a key provision of his health care law takes effect, President Barack Obama told an audience in Prince George’s County Thursday that affordable health care in the United States is a right and not a privilege and called on Maryland to help spread the word about the Affordable Care Act.

Health Organizations Prepare to Enroll Maryland Uninsured in Obamacare

Navigators and assisters will help health insurance applicants identify coverage options.

Supreme Court Hears Second Day of Debate on Health Care Bill

Tuesday marked another day of serious debate at the Supreme Court as justices heard arguments on the constitutionality of President Obama’s health care bill. It was the second of three days of arguments over the bill, which represents the most time spent on debating a bill in more than 40 years.

Supreme Court’s Careful Consideration on Health Care is Inspiring

WASHINGTON – Outside the Supreme Court this morning there were close to 100 protesters and others waiting to get in. The protesters were from different factions — for “Obamacare,” against it, or for something else entirely, looking for attention, to make a point, or to be a part of history.