CNS TV reporters bring you news from across the state in video packages and a student-produced news program that airs on the web and UMTV.

University of Maryland Student Arrested in Child Pornography Sting

A University of Maryland freshman was arrested this week on charges of distributing child pornography and crossing state lines to engage in illicit sexual conduct with a minor, according to a criminal complaint.

Annapolis Police Department Participates in Global Law Enforcement Tweet-a-Thon

More than 230 law enforcement organizations around the world participated in the first Global Police Tweet-a-Thon last Friday, including four in Maryland.

Anne Arundel County High School Gives Students a Chance After the Bell Rings

An Anne Arundel County high school is breaking down barriers to education by changing the notions of a typical school day.

Spay Neuter: Legislators Propose Bill to Reduce Homeless Animal Problem

ANNAPOLIS — Supporters of legislation creating a special fund to support spay/neuter services in the state through a surcharge on registration fees paid by the makers of pet food sold in Maryland, made their case before the House Environmental Matters Committee Thursday.

Locals Brace for Incoming Snowstorm

Forecasters are predicting the biggest snowfall to hit the Washington-Baltimore area in two years and the rush is on to prepare for what’s to come.

U.S. Supreme Court Hears Arguments Over Maryland DNA Case

WASHINGTON. — The U.S. Supreme Court will decide a Maryland case involving the police and their right to take DNA samples following an arrest.

D.C. College Students Build Solar Decathlon House for a Wounded Warrior

Students from American University, George Washington University and Catholic University have teamed up to build an eco-friendly, solar-powered house for an injured veteran to call home

How sequestration will impact Maryland and national party politics

The clock ticks down for automatic spending cuts expected to have a severe impact in Maryland.

O’Malley Aims to Expand School Breakfast Program

Gov. Martin O’Malley said he’s included $1.8 million in his proposed budget towards expanding a program that feeds breakfast to students.

State Pledges $12.8 Million Grant to Nonprofit Housing Counselors

The award goes toward the Maryland HOPE Counseling Network — 39 nonprofits across the state that aid individuals struggling to pay their mortgages.