Eric Hayes spent four years at Maryland leading his teammates as a dependable point guard. Now, he’s following someone else’s path.
Frankenstorm Could Cause Major Damage in Maryland, Forecasters Say
Forecasters say a winter storm is likely to collide with Hurricane Sandy along the East Coast early next week, which could cause an estimated $1 billion in damage.
DJS Move of Some Girls from Waxter Starting to Show Results
ANNAPOLIS – Treatment and conditions for girls in the juvenile justice system are gradually improving nearly a year after the state separated and moved the most serious offenders, but work remains to be done, according to advocates and state officials.…
Baltimore Church Accepts LGBTs, Supports Same-Sex Marriage
Reconciling Works is a Lutheran ministry that openly welcomes and accepts members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.
As Sandy Approaches, Battle Over Trees Wages On
Power providers have targeted trees in their efforts to keep the lights on. However, conservation groups see these towering timbers as crucial to the environment. Hurricane Sandy may just add fuel to the debate.
Fracking Provides New Sources of Energy, but Concerns Environmentalists
Environmental effects versus economic gain: Is fracking a good investment for Maryland?
Md. Casino Opponent Penn National has Fought Against Ballot Issues Before, and Won
Four years ago Penn National helped kill an Ohio ballot question that could have created competition for one of its casinos. Could the same thing happen in Maryland?
The Scoop on Poop: Pet Waste a Major Polluter of Md. Waterways
Studies in Maryland watersheds have found that pets produce up to one-third of bacterial pollution in waterways near developed areas.
The Last of Its Kind: Domino Sugar Perseveres in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor
Domino Sugar has outlasted the Inner Harbor’s other manufacturers because of its location, its willingness to invest and innovate, and because of the federal government’s sugar program.