Maryland inmates make as little as $0.17 per hour for voluntary prison employment and training. Del. Terri Hill, D–Baltimore and Howard, wants to raise prison wages to as close to minimum wage as possible, allowing inmates to save money while incarcerated and better equipping them to re-enter society without having to rely on their families –– or further criminal activity that could again land them behind bars –– for financial support.
Hogan’s RELIEF Act advancing in Maryland General Assembly
Gov. Larry Hogan’s $1 billion stimulus package is set for another round of scrutiny in the Maryland General Assembly.
Proposed Maryland legislation would expand hate crime law
COLLEGE PARK, Md. — Judges will be allowed to require people charged with hate crimes to complete anti-bias education programs if a bill to expand the current Maryland hate crime law is passed. Sen. Shelly Hettleman, D-Baltimore, is sponsoring…
State lawmakers seek to lock in transit repair funding
In an effort to combat Maryland’s underfunded and unreliable transit system, lawmakers want to mandate capital funding to the Maryland Transit Administration in order to address breakdowns and environmental concerns.
Maryland bill would grant mental health days off for students
The bill, sponsored by Del. Alonzo Washington, D- Prince George’s, follows similar legislation in Utah and Oregon.
State lawmakers look to plug in disconnected Marylanders
Maryland state lawmakers aim to amend inequities in broadband internet access that have been accentuated by the coronavirus pandemic. A state office for broadband would succeed Republican Gov. Larry Hogan’s Office of Rural Broadband, which was created to improve broadband in rural areas of the state.
Bill adds canine support for veterans in treatment courts
Maryland legislators are introducing a bill which will offer canine support for veterans in Veteran Treatment Courts expanding upon a previous piece of legislation that passed last session and offered canine assistance for child witnesses.
Police, lawmaker differ over potential Maryland school officer restrictions
School resource officers in Maryland may soon only enter schools under an emergency — a plan the bill sponsor says will help minority students feel more comfortable, but police say presents safety concerns.
Maryland Senate adds $520 million to Hogan’s pandemic relief bill
Sen President Bill Ferguson, D-Baltimore, announces a half-billion dollar amendment to Gov. Larry Hogan, R’s, Relief Act of 2021.
Board of Public Works approves settlement for McNair family
After a two-year-long process, a family will be awarded a $3.5 million settlement from Maryland after their son, Jordan McNair, died during a university football practice.