Maryland state lawmakers aim to amend inequities in broadband internet access that have been accentuated by the coronavirus pandemic. A state office for broadband would succeed Republican Gov. Larry Hogan’s Office of Rural Broadband, which was created to improve broadband in rural areas of the state.
Bill adds canine support for veterans in treatment courts
Maryland legislators are introducing a bill which will offer canine support for veterans in Veteran Treatment Courts expanding upon a previous piece of legislation that passed last session and offered canine assistance for child witnesses.
Police, lawmaker differ over potential Maryland school officer restrictions
School resource officers in Maryland may soon only enter schools under an emergency — a plan the bill sponsor says will help minority students feel more comfortable, but police say presents safety concerns.
Maryland Senate adds $520 million to Hogan’s pandemic relief bill
Sen President Bill Ferguson, D-Baltimore, announces a half-billion dollar amendment to Gov. Larry Hogan, R’s, Relief Act of 2021.
Board of Public Works approves settlement for McNair family
After a two-year-long process, a family will be awarded a $3.5 million settlement from Maryland after their son, Jordan McNair, died during a university football practice.
Maryland to open state-run COVID-19 vaccination centers
SILVER SPRING, Md. — Gov. Larry Hogan on Tuesday announced the opening of six state-run mass vaccination sites and new partnerships with retail pharmacies to provide vaccines. “By the end of the week, hundreds of Maryland National Guard members who…
Hogan establishes redistricting reform commission
Gov. Larry Hogan has established a citizens redistricting panel to combat partisan line-drawing in reshaping Maryland’s legislative districts.
Maryland mourns late Senate President Emeritus Mike Miller
Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr., the longest-serving state Senate president in U.S. history and titan of Maryland politics for decades, lay in state Friday at the State House in Annapolis. As a longtime Prince George’s County “political godfather,” members of the Clinton, Maryland, community who paid their respects Thursday during an escort detail remembered Miller for his endlessly kind heart, constant generosity and endearing presence.
Recovery, health funding highlight fiscal year 2022 budget
A boost to healthcare funding amongst the COVID-19 pandemic and another record increase in education top the proposed budget for fiscal year 2022.
Maryland legislation would help school children with seizures
Brynleigh’s Act, cross filed in the house and senate, aims to increase awareness about seizures — and help schoolchildren when one happens.