Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr., pushed Gov. Martin O’Malley’s offshore wind energy bill closer to passage Thursday, with several amendments pending and several having already failed. A final vote could come Friday or Monday.
Generators Provide Back-up Power During Outages
WASHINGTON – Maryland residents who fear the next winter storm will cut their power supply might appreciate CDS Logistics President Roy Cranford’s vision of stationary generators one day becoming as commonplace as air conditioners.
Senate Poised to Vote for Repeal of Death Penalty, House of Delegates Next
After three days of debates on amendments, the Maryland Senate is expected to pass a bill to repeal the death penalty Wednesday.
Catholic Church, Losing Young People, Looks to Stem the Tide
Young people are leaving the Catholic Church over personal and political reasons as Catholic leaders are looking for new ways to stop this trend.
Murder-Suicide Taints Crystal Springs’ ‘Quiet’ Reputation
Twelve-year-old Heidi doesn’t want her family to move. Two streets away from the site of a murder-suicide — the second murder in a little over two years — she feels safe.
Gun Rights Proponents, Gun Control Advocates, Take to Annapolis
Gun rights supporters and gun control advocates took to Annapolis Friday as Gov. Martin O’Malley’s gun control legislation was introduced in the House.
Maryland Politicians Discuss Sequester’s Impact on BWI, State Businesses
The automatic spending cuts that began Friday could result in longer lines at airport security checks and closure of air traffic control towers if Congress doesn’t agree on a way to reduce the budget.
Police Chiefs Call for Increased Gun Controls
Police chiefs from Maryland, Virginia, California and Massachusetts demanded that Congress impose more gun controls during a Wednesday press conference at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill.
Amendments to Gun Control Bill Narrow Definition of Assault Rifle, Reduce Training Requirements
The Senate approved a series of amendments Wednesday to Gov. Martin O’Malley’s gun control legislation.